Clevedon Weather

Personal Weather Station

Live Weather conditions from Clevedon, North Somerset, UK


Daily NOAA report
                            YEARLY CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY for Dec 2023

NAME: Clevedon Weather   CITY:  STATE: 
ELEV: 0 LAT: 051:25:52 LONG: 0002:51:06

                            TEMPERATURE ( °C), RAIN (mm), WIND SPEED (mph)

                                                 HEAT     COOL           AVG
      MEAN                                       DEG      DEG            WIND                        DOM
MTH   TEMP    HIGH   TIME      LOW     TIME      DAYS     DAYS   RAIN    SPEED    HIGH    TIME       DIR
01    06.7    14.1   14:32   -03.0   06:57    0359.6    0000.0    78.6    03.5     36.8    23:56     WSW
02    07.4    14.8   15:28   -02.2   07:46    0304.5    0000.0    07.2    02.8     26.4    23:55     WSW
03    08.6    16.0   13:07    00.6   05:43    0302.2    0000.0    85.6    03.1     34.5    23:56     WSW
04    10.2    18.4   19:09    01.8   06:38    0241.8    0000.0    56.2    02.7     33.4    23:52     WSW
05    14.8    23.7   16:40    05.7   05:48    0107.3    0000.1    30.0    02.8     23.0    23:56     WSW
06    18.9    30.5   17:50    08.9   05:55    0022.2    0040.0    14.2    03.0     24.1    23:57     WSW
07    17.6    29.3   16:46    10.3   05:56    0029.5    0008.2    80.0    04.0     31.1    23:52     WSW
08    17.9    27.9   14:47    10.3   06:14    0026.2    0013.7    34.0    02.7     28.8    23:57     WSW
09    18.4    30.4   16:42    07.8   06:22    0035.5    0039.8    47.8    02.0     28.8    23:57     WSW
10    13.9    23.9   15:53    03.5   07:24    0131.8    0001.0    59.0    02.0     23.0    13:11     WSW
11    09.6    15.7   12:06   -01.6   08:11    0260.4    0000.0    70.6    03.3     39.1    23:55     WSW
12    09.1    13.6   14:00   -03.1   02:01    0284.0    0000.0    88.0    04.3     34.5    23:54     WSW
      12.8    30.5            -3.1            2105.0     102.8   651.2     3.0     39.1              WSW

Max >=  32.0: 5
Max <=   0.0: 0
Min <=   0.0: 365
Min <= -18.0: 0
Max >=  32.0: 5
Max <=   0.0: 0
Min <=   0.0: 365
Min <= -18.0: 0
Max <=  -5.0: 0
Min <=  -5.0: 0
Max <= -10.0: 0
Min <= -10.0: 0
Max <= -15.0: 0
Min <= -15.0: 0
Max <= -20.0: 0
Min <= -20.0: 0
Max <= -25.0: 0
Min <= -25.0: 0
Max Rain: 5.8 ON 31-01-24
Days of Rain: 190 (> .2mm) 98 (> 2mm) 0 (> 20mm)
Days of Rain: 21 (> .2mm) 13 (> 2mm) 0 (> 20mm)

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Last modified: January 03 2024 15:31:24.