Clevedon Weather

Personal Weather Station

Live Weather conditions from Clevedon, North Somerset, UK

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High: 5.9° 
Low: -2.2° 
Weather Graphic
Updated: 11:40 on 8/2/23 South Camera    East Camera

Weather Records

Weather Extremes for Today (21st October 2024)

Parameter Highest Lowest Average
Temperature (Air) 5.9 °C 11:39 -2.2 °C 7:31 -0.3 °C
Temperature (Ground) 0.0 °C 0:00 0.0 °C 0:00 0.0 °C
Temperature (Soil @ 300mm) 0.0 °C 0:00 0.0 °C 0:00 0.0 °C
Wind Chill - | - -2.3 °C 4:19 - | -
Dew Point 4.3 °C 11:27 -3.1 °C 7:31 -1.2 °C
Humidity 97 % 10:07 88 % 11:37 93 %
Wind Speed 5 mph 9:39 - | - 0 mph
Wind Gust 5 mph 9:39 - | - - | -
Wind Direction - | - - | - 112 °
Wind Run 1 miles - | - - | -
Rain 0.0 mm - | - - | -
Rainfall Rate 0.0 mm/hr 0:00 - | - - | -
Degree Days Heating 7.5 °C - | - - | -
Degree Days Cooling 0.0 °C - | - - | -
Barometer (SL) 1037.2 mb 0:29 1033.7 mb 11:29 1035.5 mb
Soil Moisture (100mm) 0 cp 0:00 0 cp 0:00 0 cp
Solar Radiation 359 W/sqm 11:37 - | - 67 W/sqm

Weather Extremes for October 2024

Parameter Highest Lowest Average
Temperature (Air) 10.7 °C 6/2/23 -2.2 °C 8/2/23 6.5 °C
Temperature (Ground) 0.0 °C 1/2/23 0.0 °C 1/2/23 0.0 °C
Temperature (Soil @ 300mm) 0.0 °C 1/2/23 0.0 °C 1/2/23 0.0 °C
Wind Chill - | - -2.3 °C 8/2/23 - | -
Dew Point 9.3 °C 3/2/23 -3.1 °C 8/2/23 4.6 °C
Humidity 97 % 8/2/23 64 % 5/2/23 88 %
Wind Speed 23 mph 2/2/23 - | - 3 mph
Wind Gust 23 mph 2/2/23 - | - - | -
Wind Direction - | - - | - 225 °
Wind Run 481 miles - | - - | -
Rain 0.6 mm - | - - | -
Degree Days Heating 63.7 °C - | - - | -
Degree Days Cooling 0.0 °C - | - - | -
Barometer (SL) 1047.2 mb 5/2/23 1025.4 mb 1/2/23 1035.5 mb
Soil Moisture (100mm) 0 cp 1/2/23 0 cp 1/2/23 0 cp
Solar Radiation 441 W/sqm 7/2/23 - | - 52 W/sqm

Weather Extremes for 2024

Parameter Highest Lowest Average
Temperature (Air) 14.1 °C 10/1/23 -3.0 °C 24/1/23 6.7 °C
Temperature (Ground) 0.0 °C 1/1/23 0.0 °C 1/1/23 0.0 °C
Temperature (Soil @ 300mm) 0.0 °C 1/1/23 0.0 °C 1/1/23 0.0 °C
Wind Chill - | - -5.5 °C 21/1/23 - | -
Dew Point 12.2 °C 10/1/23 -5.5 °C 16/1/23 4.5 °C
Humidity 98 % 25/1/23 47 % 16/1/23 86 %
Wind Speed 37 mph 12/1/23 - | - 3 mph
Wind Gust 37 mph 12/1/23 - | - - | -
Wind Direction - | - - | - 270 °
Wind Run 3062 miles - | - - | -
Rain 79.2 mm - | - - | -
Degree Days Heating 321.1 °C - | - - | -
Degree Days Cooling 0.0 °C - | - - | -
Barometer (SL) 1047.2 mb 5/2/23 984.7 mb 16/1/23 1018.5 mb
Soil Moisture (100mm) 0 cp 1/1/23 0 cp 1/1/23 0 cp
Solar Radiation 485 W/sqm 15/1/23 - | - 38 W/sqm

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Last modified: February 08 2023 11:40:19.
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